Route Setting
Quality setting allows students and beginners to learn while challenging experienced climbers. CWS specialises in route setting for schools, youth centres, and leisure centres, we know how to maximise the facilities and space you have. Ask about our complete strip, wash and re-set package with low downtime and high quality setting. All route setting is provided with full RAMS and we only use RSA Qualified route setters, to ensure the highest standards of safety and quality.
The 2010 BMC Climbing Wall Users Survey stated: the quality of route setting was the second most important reason for users to visit a particular climbing wall.
All of our route setters have years of experience both climbing and setting, they have had rigours training to ensure that they not only set interesting routes and problems but do so safely and for your customers.
Chief Setter is Nate McMullan, Founding Member of the Route Setting Association. Nate has years of professional setting experience setting at all type of walls, from specialist schools to dedicated centres and has set for specialist events like the Para Climbing World Cup Competition.
For more information and prices please contact us here.